
Prospective Client are kindly requested to input the following basic information of yourself herein.

Step 1 of 9

Name of client:
Mobile phone number:
Home telephone number (if any):
Email address (if any):
Hong Kong ID number:
  (  )

Step 2 of 9

Home address:
Property type:
Residence type:
Gross area:
Total no. of bedrooms:

Step 3 of 9

Company name (if any):
Position (if any):
Office telephone number (if any):

Step 4 of 9

Particulars of household members residing at the contractual address

Number of household members:

   1st household members's information

Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

   2nd household members's information

Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

   3rd household members's information

Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

   4th household members's information


Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

   5th household members's information

Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

   6th household members's information

Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

   7th household members's information

Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

   8th household members's information

Year of birth:
Relationship with client:
Hong Kong ID no. or travel document no.:

Step 5 of 9

Client's requirement for hiring a FDH

Basic household duties

Baby caring (0-12 months)

Child care (1-11 years old)

Elderly care

Care for sick person

Car cleaning

Accompany children to school

Regular marketing

Hand wash clothing

Machine wash clothing

Cooking Chinese food

Cooking Western food


Caring & feeding house pets

Basic Cantonese

Basic English

Basic Mandarin

Roof cleaning


Step 6 of 9

FDH's rest day and salary offered

Rest day:

Salary offered (HKD):
Food allowance offered (HKD):
FDH's room:

FDH's room area in square feet (if any):
Shares room with (if any):

Step 7 of 9

History of hiring helper

Employment of FDH:
Name of the FDH being replaced (if any):
His/Her Hong Kong ID number (if any):
  (  )
Date of contract termination:

Step 8 of 9

Details of domestic helper(s) currently employed by client

Number of FDH:

   1st FDH's information

Name of the FDH (if any):
Hong Kong ID number (if any):
  (  )
Permitted to remain in HK until:

   2nd FDH's information

Name of the FDH (if any):
Hong Kong ID number (if any):
  (  )
Permitted to remain in HK until:

   3rd FDH's information

Name of the FDH (if any):
Hong Kong ID number (if any):
  (  )
Permitted to remain in HK until: